Blue Green Solutions reveices EcoVadis gold label - A new milestone in sustainability

Nina Morsa
November 5, 2024

This year, Blue Green Solutions has proudly advanced from the EcoVadis Silver to Gold certification. The Ecovadis gold label is a recognition that reflects our continued dedication to sustainable and responsible business practices. EcoVadis Gold isn’t just another badge. It’s a certification only awarded to companies in the top 5% of thousands worldwide evaluated by EcoVadis for sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance.

What is the EcoVadis gold label?

EcoVadis is a global authority that assesses corporate sustainability. Its Gold label is awarded to organizations that excel across a range of sustainability metrics. EcoVadis looks how your company performs at important matters such as ethics, labor and human rights, environmental impact, and sustainable procurement.

The Gold label signifies our dedication to responsible business practices that go beyond compliance, actively contributing to a positive impact on the environment, society, and economy.

Why is the gold label important to us?

Receiving the EcoVadis Gold label places Blue Green Solutions among the world’s leaders in sustainable practices. But most of all, this achievement reflects our commitment to high-quality service and respect for our colleagues and clients. 

As a self-steering organization where all policies and standards are shaped together, this label could only be achieved by the commitment of every team member at Blue Green, which makes us even more proud. 

Our colleagues Lennart and Dennis with the EcoVadis Gold Label award

How does the EcoVadis gold label affect our (future) clients, partners, and colleagues? 

Our EcoVadis Gold status signals our commitment to sustainability to clients, investors, and partners. This certification not only enhances trust and transparency but also sets us apart in a market where sustainable business practices are becoming essential.

For clients and partners focused on CSR, this certification provides reassurance that we are aligned with the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility.

Transparency, inclusivity, equal opportunities, the opportunity to co-entrepreneur within the organization and participate in profit sharing….. These are all aspects that make Blue Green Solutions unique and are important for new and current colleagues. While we don't need an EcoVadis label to express our commitment to strong work ethics, having it certainly reinforces our vision with an objective stamp of approval for our team.

Looking ahead

Achieving the EcoVadis Gold certification is both a milestone and a stepping stone. As we move forward, we remain committed to setting higher standards, fostering innovation, and continuing to lead in sustainable practices. Blue Green Solutions is proud to be part of a growing movement that prioritizes ethical, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible business practices.

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